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June 13, 2022

From Gen Z to B2B: TikTok Strategy for Your Brand, with Emily Brady

In this episode, Benji talks to Emily Brady, Creative Content Lead at Sweet Fish Media.
Read the Full Guide here:
From Gen Z to B2B: How to Execute a TikTok Strategy for Your Brand - Sweet Fish Media
Discussed in this episode:
Why your company should...

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B2B Growth
In this episode, Benji talks to Emily Brady, Creative Content Lead at Sweet Fish Media.
Read the Full Guide here:
From Gen Z to B2B: How to Execute a TikTok Strategy for Your Brand - Sweet Fish Media
Discussed in this episode:
Why your company should be on TikTok
TikTok Strategies that win
B2B TikTok case studies
WEBVTT 1 00:00:08.160 --> 00:00:16.600 Conversations from the front lines and marketing. This is be tob growth. Today 2 00:00:16.679 --> 00:00:21.760 I'm here with our very own Emily Brady to discuss her research and her latest 3 00:00:21.760 --> 00:00:26.239 work she recently put out from Gen Z to be to be. How to 4 00:00:26.280 --> 00:00:30.359 execute a tick Tock strategy for your brand, emily, this is going to 5 00:00:30.399 --> 00:00:34.719 be a really, I think, an insightful conversation and one that a lot 6 00:00:34.759 --> 00:00:37.840 of marketers will be interested on. So thanks for jumping on the show today. 7 00:00:37.920 --> 00:00:40.439 Yeah, of course I'm excited to talk about it's been a long time 8 00:00:40.520 --> 00:00:44.119 coming. Okay, so, before we jump to the guide, this report, 9 00:00:44.159 --> 00:00:49.280 give me some of the origin stories, like your time on ticktock and 10 00:00:49.280 --> 00:00:52.039 then what leads to going. We need to create this guide for be to 11 00:00:52.079 --> 00:00:57.359 be specifically. Yeah, so I started on ticktock back in October. Started 12 00:00:57.399 --> 00:01:00.719 testing it out to see if it would work for sweetfish. I was on 13 00:01:00.759 --> 00:01:03.399 Tick Tock in two thousand and twenty like when it was really cool, just 14 00:01:03.560 --> 00:01:07.120 my personal account, and then deleted it needed to save the time, and 15 00:01:07.159 --> 00:01:11.959 then got back on just now. You get paid to do ticktock, so 16 00:01:12.239 --> 00:01:17.280 that's right. So waste of time. Yeah, so jumped on to test 17 00:01:17.319 --> 00:01:21.079 it out and see if there was some potential there, which at that time, 18 00:01:21.640 --> 00:01:23.159 you know, last year in October, it like nobody, nobody in 19 00:01:23.239 --> 00:01:26.760 B tob was on ticktock. So we were kind of trying to pave the 20 00:01:26.760 --> 00:01:33.000 way with that and I'm still still on it, still going strong, because 21 00:01:33.040 --> 00:01:37.640 we've seen a lot of success for us as far as our brand affinity and 22 00:01:37.640 --> 00:01:41.519 brand awareness, and a lot of other companies have used it for other goals 23 00:01:41.560 --> 00:01:47.000 as well. So yeah, so my goal is to make edutainment content that's 24 00:01:47.159 --> 00:01:51.560 educational and entertaining. HMM. Okay, so you know, it's a very 25 00:01:51.560 --> 00:01:55.920 small pond when you first jump on. We wouldn't say that it's grown to 26 00:01:55.920 --> 00:01:59.640 be like these crazy amount of be to be brands over there, but you've 27 00:01:59.680 --> 00:02:04.519 seen some development, what a little bit in the last eight or so months. 28 00:02:04.799 --> 00:02:07.360 Yeah, there's definitely, I would say, like be Tob Tick Tock, 29 00:02:07.360 --> 00:02:13.039 influencers, like the very few could have gone really viral with some other 30 00:02:13.240 --> 00:02:15.520 stuff. You probably seen them all over Linkedin, but as a whole, 31 00:02:15.599 --> 00:02:19.960 like it's still really new for be to be, HMM. And a lot 32 00:02:20.000 --> 00:02:23.360 of companies asking questions. I know even you're getting a lot of questions because 33 00:02:23.759 --> 00:02:27.639 people are sort of wondering if they should dip their toes in the water, 34 00:02:27.680 --> 00:02:30.840 wondering if they have what it takes to make it a worthwhile platform to jump 35 00:02:30.879 --> 00:02:35.159 into. It's true. Okay, well, I think there's a lot here 36 00:02:35.199 --> 00:02:38.360 to go into and the guide. Obviously we want to push people to go 37 00:02:38.439 --> 00:02:42.199 read the full thing over on the sweet fish website. Will put a link 38 00:02:42.240 --> 00:02:46.319 in the show notes so you can do that. What as a whole did 39 00:02:46.360 --> 00:02:49.479 you set out to cover? Are you just going Tick Tock broadly? For 40 00:02:49.520 --> 00:02:53.919 be to be, what's the guide all about? Yeah, so I spent 41 00:02:53.000 --> 00:02:58.599 all of last quarter doing research and gathering little tidbits on Linkedin from people who 42 00:02:58.599 --> 00:03:01.560 have done tick tock and my goal is really just to have like a comprehensive 43 00:03:01.560 --> 00:03:06.120 guide of if you are not on tick tock yet, here's what it is, 44 00:03:06.120 --> 00:03:07.719 here's how to use it, here people who are doing it well. 45 00:03:07.800 --> 00:03:13.120 So I kind of cover everything from like getting started to how the Algorithm works 46 00:03:13.199 --> 00:03:17.400 to strategies that you would probably find successful and influencers and all of that. 47 00:03:17.919 --> 00:03:23.080 But my goal is to just to help Bab brands learn more about tick tock. 48 00:03:23.879 --> 00:03:27.560 I think, kind of going back to where we were just saying, 49 00:03:27.759 --> 00:03:30.800 the space that we're occupying right now is one where some people are in the 50 00:03:30.800 --> 00:03:34.280 water. They're like, Oh, come on it, tick tocks great, 51 00:03:34.280 --> 00:03:38.800 but there's like quite a few standing on the sidelines wondering if they should so 52 00:03:38.879 --> 00:03:44.520 let's go there first, in what you've compiled, like why should it be 53 00:03:44.560 --> 00:03:50.120 to be brand beyond ticktock? What are those top reasons you think to actually 54 00:03:50.120 --> 00:03:53.039 get on that platform? Yeah, so I didn't make this guy to convince 55 00:03:53.120 --> 00:03:57.800 anyone to get on tick tock if it's not in alignment with their goals. 56 00:03:57.840 --> 00:04:00.719 But I think for those who are thinking about it and curious about it, 57 00:04:00.759 --> 00:04:04.639 like I want to encourage them to actually explore this and I think if your 58 00:04:04.719 --> 00:04:10.879 brand is you could accomplish several goals on ticktock. You could go for brand 59 00:04:10.919 --> 00:04:14.960 awareness, or you might be trying to get leads and close deals in a 60 00:04:15.000 --> 00:04:17.399 lot of people have done it. Maybe you're going for thought leadership content just 61 00:04:17.439 --> 00:04:23.079 to educate your audience, or even recruiting talent. So if any of those, 62 00:04:23.279 --> 00:04:26.399 if you have any of those goals and you have the capacity to, 63 00:04:27.600 --> 00:04:29.920 you know, to hire someone to do social media for your brand, or 64 00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:31.879 if you have someone doing it already, then I think that this is a 65 00:04:31.879 --> 00:04:36.000 great fit for you because content is trending a lot more. Video is trending 66 00:04:36.040 --> 00:04:41.439 a lot more towards short form content. Right. So Youtube is big, 67 00:04:41.480 --> 00:04:45.040 but tick tock is kind of edging them out a little bit coming in, 68 00:04:45.079 --> 00:04:48.800 and nothing's ever going to replace Youtube, but people are people like this like 69 00:04:48.839 --> 00:04:56.879 short form content. HMM. Yeah, very bite size. It's so easy 70 00:04:56.920 --> 00:05:00.199 to just jump on Tick Tock for a couple minutes, versus like Youtube, 71 00:05:00.199 --> 00:05:02.639 you're kind of going for some length. So okay, I wanted to hit 72 00:05:02.680 --> 00:05:05.680 on one of the things you said, which was using it as a recruiting 73 00:05:05.800 --> 00:05:10.920 tool. What is that looks like? How do you see organizations doing that? 74 00:05:10.920 --> 00:05:14.600 Well, yeah, so I had a couple examples in this guide. 75 00:05:14.639 --> 00:05:17.560 One of them is Chili Piper, and Chili Piper is like crushing it at 76 00:05:17.600 --> 00:05:23.319 recruiting talent on Tick Tock because they're such a wellknown brand in so many on 77 00:05:23.399 --> 00:05:28.639 so many platforms. But I've noticed they mostly use tick tock to recruit talent, 78 00:05:28.680 --> 00:05:32.879 and so they'll post like about their company benefits and what makes them a 79 00:05:32.920 --> 00:05:35.839 great company to work for, what it is they do and what kind of 80 00:05:35.879 --> 00:05:41.920 talent they're looking for. They had a post recently about how they were looking 81 00:05:41.959 --> 00:05:46.199 to hire a role and they posted on tick tock and they had like hundreds 82 00:05:46.240 --> 00:05:49.759 of applicants within a few hours. Open phone also did this. Within twenty 83 00:05:49.800 --> 00:05:54.480 four hours they had a thousand applicants for a role. So it's crazy. 84 00:05:54.519 --> 00:05:57.959 It's tough to say like how many of these were actually qualified, but there's 85 00:05:57.959 --> 00:06:00.759 got to be. There's got to be some in there. And so because 86 00:06:00.800 --> 00:06:02.040 there's a lot, even though there are not a lot of people be to 87 00:06:02.079 --> 00:06:05.959 be creating content on tick tock, there are a lot consuming content on tick 88 00:06:06.000 --> 00:06:09.639 tock and it's because everyone's curious about it, even if they don't know how 89 00:06:09.680 --> 00:06:12.360 to use it yet. I mean, and I see this in my own 90 00:06:12.399 --> 00:06:15.360 experience, a lot of my followers are and B tob and I'll go check 91 00:06:15.360 --> 00:06:18.360 out their profile and they have nothing posted. So people are consuming content even 92 00:06:18.360 --> 00:06:21.560 if they're not creating it. So that makes it a good space to recruit 93 00:06:21.600 --> 00:06:28.120 talent and so like in a Chili Piper example, that's just on tick tock 94 00:06:28.319 --> 00:06:32.079 or not repurposing it on Linkedin and getting there and engagement there. Yeah, 95 00:06:32.199 --> 00:06:34.959 I mean, to my knowledge I'm pretty sure it's just from the videos that 96 00:06:35.000 --> 00:06:40.439 they've posted on ticktock. Yeah, okay, because that's the other side too. 97 00:06:40.480 --> 00:06:44.639 Is like you might not get the immediate audience over on Ticktock, but 98 00:06:45.040 --> 00:06:49.279 there is value, unlike making a tick tock video and sending it to Instagram, 99 00:06:49.279 --> 00:06:54.639 where you'll literally get you'll be put to death for that. So don't 100 00:06:54.680 --> 00:06:58.160 do that your you will not be promoted in the algorithm. Don't it's not 101 00:06:58.199 --> 00:07:01.079 even worth the effort. But putting your tick tock video on Linkedin, it's 102 00:07:01.120 --> 00:07:05.600 like a badge of honor. So you've seen a lot of companies have success 103 00:07:05.639 --> 00:07:10.279 there and you personally have had success that way. Yeah, and that's that's 104 00:07:10.319 --> 00:07:13.279 a controversial thing to you. I've heard a lot of people say like it's 105 00:07:13.279 --> 00:07:17.920 just hack to water mark your video with Tick Tock and put it on Linkedin, 106 00:07:18.000 --> 00:07:20.720 but I don't think I'm actually still a fan of it. Like I 107 00:07:20.759 --> 00:07:26.399 love seeing those videos on Linkedin and they stop me because it maybe that is 108 00:07:26.399 --> 00:07:28.879 a hack, but they stop me because I love to see I know that 109 00:07:28.920 --> 00:07:31.279 it's going to be like something I entertaining or something fun or something just a 110 00:07:31.399 --> 00:07:38.680 quick snippet of educational content, and that's how I I like doubled my followers 111 00:07:38.680 --> 00:07:42.800 on Linkedin just from when I started posting my tick tock videos on Linkedin. 112 00:07:43.199 --> 00:07:46.040 So and I know a lot of other people who are in BB marketing have 113 00:07:46.079 --> 00:07:49.800 done the same thing, like Todd Klouser. He crushed it with that. 114 00:07:49.959 --> 00:07:55.040 Like he his following on Tick Tock is actually not that big, but he 115 00:07:55.079 --> 00:07:58.920 went from like, I don't know, like two thousand and seven thousand followers 116 00:07:58.920 --> 00:08:03.600 on Linkedin and two months just from repurposing tick tock videos. They're very interesting 117 00:08:03.639 --> 00:08:07.639 and it's still so early that if there's like a small, small group of 118 00:08:07.639 --> 00:08:11.199 people that are like naysayers of it, whatever. I mean, clearly there's 119 00:08:11.199 --> 00:08:15.519 not a ton of people doing it. So it will stop the scroll simply 120 00:08:15.600 --> 00:08:18.360 because people are curious. What are you doing over on Tick Tock that could 121 00:08:18.399 --> 00:08:24.600 be relevant also on Linkedin. It leads me to kind of the case studies, 122 00:08:24.639 --> 00:08:28.319 which I really appreciated in this guide that you gave several examples. You 123 00:08:28.319 --> 00:08:33.320 want to highlight maybe a couple that stood out to you? Yeah, so 124 00:08:33.360 --> 00:08:37.960 we could talk about what refine labs is doing there. They are on Linkedin. 125 00:08:39.159 --> 00:08:43.320 Let's so starting with Linkedin. That's their primary platform, but they are 126 00:08:43.399 --> 00:08:48.360 really great at employee advocacy and they are one that I've seen that's done employ 127 00:08:48.399 --> 00:08:52.440 advocacy on tick tock as well. So I know todd classers. He's the 128 00:08:52.440 --> 00:08:56.399 face of it really, but Chris Walker is also on there, Ashley Lewin, 129 00:08:56.480 --> 00:08:58.639 a couple of other people from refine labs, which is really cool because 130 00:08:58.639 --> 00:09:03.960 when the will is so small, like I listed twenty individuals in this guide 131 00:09:03.279 --> 00:09:07.080 and that's not a lot. And when the pool is that small, to 132 00:09:07.120 --> 00:09:11.240 have several people from your brand on the platform is really neat. And all 133 00:09:11.279 --> 00:09:16.720 as individuals, or are they all posting on a corporate page or as individual? 134 00:09:16.840 --> 00:09:20.159 So, and I can give some, you know, corporate and individual 135 00:09:20.200 --> 00:09:22.320 examples, but I mean we've talked about I'm a huge fan of getting your 136 00:09:22.360 --> 00:09:28.240 individual people on Linkedin on ticktock. But they've grown their audience a lot from 137 00:09:28.279 --> 00:09:31.440 that. Sales feed actually, so will aiken is in charge of sales feed 138 00:09:31.519 --> 00:09:35.919 social and they've like grown there following so much. We are looking at the 139 00:09:35.960 --> 00:09:41.240 guide as we go because there's a lot of content here that we can easily 140 00:09:41.440 --> 00:09:45.600 consume and scroll through. So okay, so sales feed, along with will 141 00:09:45.639 --> 00:09:52.480 aiken's personal account together has gained eightyzero followers. Yeah, which is insane. 142 00:09:52.559 --> 00:09:56.960 They've had five thousand link tree conversions over ten million views, so that's they've 143 00:09:56.960 --> 00:10:03.360 seen huge success. And then we've also got Stephen Pope and he has used 144 00:10:03.440 --> 00:10:05.639 videos on ticktock to close deals and he's actually he's a cool one because he's 145 00:10:05.679 --> 00:10:11.039 unique in that he I listed a lot of entertaining content creators, but he 146 00:10:11.120 --> 00:10:15.759 pretty much strictly does educational and he's a fun guy to but he posts educational 147 00:10:15.799 --> 00:10:20.759 content and he posted that. He posted one ticktock video and he made thirtyzero 148 00:10:22.000 --> 00:10:26.120 profit from closing one deal from that video. And that's just one. Like 149 00:10:26.159 --> 00:10:28.360 I know he's done so much more than that, but if you're utilizing it 150 00:10:28.360 --> 00:10:33.600 correctly, like you, you can accomplish your goals of increasing an audience in 151 00:10:33.639 --> 00:10:39.960 a following or increasing, you know, closing more deals and sales. So 152 00:10:41.000 --> 00:10:43.960 these are a couple of individuals who have done it. I listed at the 153 00:10:43.960 --> 00:10:48.639 bottom of this a couple of companies who've used tick tock, and their bigger 154 00:10:48.679 --> 00:10:52.519 companies anyway, like do a lingo. Everyone knows do a lingo and loves 155 00:10:52.519 --> 00:10:58.399 to a lingo, and their tick tock content and then shopify zoom adobe and 156 00:10:58.600 --> 00:11:01.919 I would encourage anyone listening to this go to the guide and look into those 157 00:11:01.000 --> 00:11:05.080 because it's so much more extensive than we can cover right now. But they've 158 00:11:05.120 --> 00:11:09.720 seen great success with Tick Tock. I always find it fascinating to like go 159 00:11:09.919 --> 00:11:13.960 and take talk. Is actually kind of funny to look out on a computer 160 00:11:13.039 --> 00:11:16.879 because it's just not a normal way you would engage with tick tock. But 161 00:11:16.919 --> 00:11:20.159 you can see so many more of the recent posts when you look on a 162 00:11:20.200 --> 00:11:24.879 screen and you can sort of see the cadence of how they're creating or like 163 00:11:24.000 --> 00:11:28.360 what's working and what's not, and you can compare all on the page. 164 00:11:28.360 --> 00:11:31.120 And so I was even like right before we jumped on to record this, 165 00:11:31.159 --> 00:11:35.519 I looked at morning bruise and you can notice like who they're typical creator is, 166 00:11:35.600 --> 00:11:37.240 versus some of the other people. They kind of have guest posting. 167 00:11:37.279 --> 00:11:43.600 Most of its comedic and not quite like educational or serious, and so getting 168 00:11:43.639 --> 00:11:46.399 an understanding of that mix I to, I think, to this early and 169 00:11:46.480 --> 00:11:50.399 be to be there's a lot of question marks around that, like is it 170 00:11:50.440 --> 00:11:54.879 really only funny content that works? Kild you make more educational content that can 171 00:11:54.879 --> 00:11:56.720 work. If you I think if you do it well and you have a 172 00:11:56.720 --> 00:12:01.120 strategy, there's probably a little niche that you could carve out, but right 173 00:12:01.159 --> 00:12:09.519 now definitely funny content and very engaging content seems to be about it. Anything 174 00:12:09.559 --> 00:12:11.360 you would add there? I'm like, yeah, I agree with you, 175 00:12:11.399 --> 00:12:16.559 and maybe I'm biased because I am creating more entertaining content set of educational for 176 00:12:16.639 --> 00:12:22.360 my own brands. And so I mean it's there are people who do educational 177 00:12:22.399 --> 00:12:24.559 content, like I just said, Stephen Pope, Chris Walker, and they 178 00:12:24.600 --> 00:12:28.960 do it well, but I it's almost like Chris Walker already has an audience. 179 00:12:28.000 --> 00:12:31.879 So I feel like most people go to their tick tock because they already 180 00:12:31.879 --> 00:12:33.879 fell on linkedin. But the thing is, I think that tick tock is 181 00:12:33.919 --> 00:12:39.120 more of a like attention capturer and if people want to learn more and they 182 00:12:39.159 --> 00:12:43.559 want education, then they might just go to your linkedin and read more extensively 183 00:12:43.639 --> 00:12:46.240 there. So yeah, so I think that you need to find ways to 184 00:12:46.279 --> 00:12:50.600 grab attention and you can still do that with educational content on Tick Tock, 185 00:12:50.639 --> 00:12:52.679 but the most success you're going to see as if you're funny, if you're 186 00:12:52.720 --> 00:12:56.480 personable and likeable and that kind of thing. That brings us to kind of 187 00:12:56.519 --> 00:13:03.200 strategies right, strategies that work on Tick Tock. So you highlight a number 188 00:13:03.279 --> 00:13:09.200 of things here that things that you think will will win. We've talked about 189 00:13:09.399 --> 00:13:13.039 probably a few of these. You mentioned todd, but when it comes to 190 00:13:13.120 --> 00:13:18.360 like educational specifically, let's go there for a second, like because you're not 191 00:13:18.360 --> 00:13:20.879 fully in that space. I want you to get out of your comfort Zonela, 192 00:13:20.000 --> 00:13:24.320 like what do you think outside of Chris, who already had a platform, 193 00:13:24.360 --> 00:13:28.600 could work? What are things that maybe aren't happening fully in B tob 194 00:13:28.799 --> 00:13:31.399 but maybe you see elsewhere or that, like bedb could take a lesson from 195 00:13:31.440 --> 00:13:35.639 anything outside that that we should be paying attention to? Well, let me 196 00:13:35.679 --> 00:13:39.799 give you an example. Will Aken he does. He uses trending sounds and 197 00:13:39.840 --> 00:13:43.559 that's, I think, what has helped him grows audience a lot, because 198 00:13:43.600 --> 00:13:46.320 those are, you know, people click on those all the time and are 199 00:13:46.360 --> 00:13:50.279 searching for those and he's used those to be funny. But he also mixes 200 00:13:50.320 --> 00:13:54.679 in like quick tips. They're like really, really quick. Someone will ask 201 00:13:54.720 --> 00:13:58.960 a question, maybe in the comments, and he'll give an answer and he 202 00:13:58.000 --> 00:14:03.440 does a great job of mixing this up, whereas someone like like my content 203 00:14:03.519 --> 00:14:07.360 or talk classer. We're trying to put education into the funny video so they're 204 00:14:07.480 --> 00:14:09.919 there are two different ways to do it really and I think if you if 205 00:14:09.960 --> 00:14:15.519 you can gain credibility first, not necessarily credibility, if you can gain likability 206 00:14:15.519 --> 00:14:20.000 first from being personable, from being fun and there's definitely a way to do 207 00:14:20.039 --> 00:14:22.200 that too. I know that I'm hyping up entertainment, but sometimes it just 208 00:14:22.240 --> 00:14:28.960 falls flat. But if you can be funny and people agree that you're funny, 209 00:14:28.200 --> 00:14:31.240 I think you earn, you know, earn their trust to be able 210 00:14:31.279 --> 00:14:35.720 to give them tips. Then and depends when people are going to the platform 211 00:14:35.759 --> 00:14:39.279 to look for because people are also going to look for education, whereas you 212 00:14:39.320 --> 00:14:43.279 know, it's like when you search a youtube video like how to change my 213 00:14:43.279 --> 00:14:45.919 car's oil. Well, a lot of people are going to tick tock for 214 00:14:45.960 --> 00:14:48.120 that now because they want to learn how to do it in a minute instead 215 00:14:48.159 --> 00:14:50.960 of ten minutes. Yeah, get out all the fluff and, like you 216 00:14:52.080 --> 00:14:56.639 walking to your car, like, just start explaining it exactly. And so 217 00:14:56.080 --> 00:15:00.840 it's just a good platform because it's personable. So that's probably the number one 218 00:15:00.840 --> 00:15:05.279 thing you want to optimize sports, just personability. And then once you get 219 00:15:05.399 --> 00:15:09.039 the audience. From that you can start going a little bit deeper into your 220 00:15:09.080 --> 00:15:13.399 knowledge. That's that's my opinion. Right. I think when we think of 221 00:15:13.440 --> 00:15:18.519 Tick Tock as well, we're probably also thinking like how do we actually start 222 00:15:18.639 --> 00:15:22.159 to gain some sort of audience? And you did a great job of basically 223 00:15:22.200 --> 00:15:26.440 saying here's how you would optimize for the algorithm. So you're there's several parts 224 00:15:26.480 --> 00:15:28.960 to how you think through a tick tock strategy. You'd have to have the 225 00:15:28.039 --> 00:15:33.679 right creative, the person you could put over this the time to actually invest 226 00:15:33.759 --> 00:15:35.720 in the medium, in the platform. Then you also have to have some 227 00:15:35.759 --> 00:15:39.600 sort of strategy that like works in the space, which is these are things 228 00:15:39.600 --> 00:15:43.639 you've been iterating on now for months. What have you found to be the 229 00:15:43.720 --> 00:15:46.320 videos that actually work the best, like what are some of those things that 230 00:15:46.360 --> 00:15:50.919 you've now optimized for that help videos be more successful? Yeah, well, 231 00:15:50.960 --> 00:15:54.960 for me personally, it's, I don't know, just finding like different ways 232 00:15:56.000 --> 00:15:58.840 to do like skids or sketches, and I think to actually, I want 233 00:15:58.840 --> 00:16:03.360 to add, maybe rewind for a second, that tick tock has really great, 234 00:16:03.519 --> 00:16:10.440 amazing organic reach potential and amazing like the Algorithm is just it's unique and 235 00:16:10.480 --> 00:16:14.399 it optimizes for Seo so well, whether you say something in a video or 236 00:16:14.440 --> 00:16:17.840 you put it in your caption or you put it text in your video. 237 00:16:17.960 --> 00:16:23.519 So the algorithm feeds your audience things that they're watching anyways or looking for. 238 00:16:23.720 --> 00:16:26.559 Like if you if a lot of your followers are in be to be, 239 00:16:26.639 --> 00:16:30.919 they're going to see your video if you're making a video about beauty marketing. 240 00:16:30.039 --> 00:16:33.879 So that's a huge, huge pro you know, it's kind of like how, 241 00:16:33.879 --> 00:16:37.600 you know I when I first start, I was watching like those cute 242 00:16:37.639 --> 00:16:40.600 dog videos and that's all I ever saw was dog videos. I was like, 243 00:16:40.600 --> 00:16:42.960 why am I only seeing these plans? Because I watched them. Yeah, 244 00:16:44.039 --> 00:16:47.960 and the Algorithm, just know, that's the thing about trending sounds to 245 00:16:48.000 --> 00:16:51.759 write, is like once you get in some sort of trending sound, once 246 00:16:51.799 --> 00:16:55.279 you've watched a couple of those, get ready like the next three days, 247 00:16:55.399 --> 00:16:57.879 all you're going to see is that trending sound. MMM, Yep. So 248 00:16:57.919 --> 00:17:03.279 it's nice to see an algorithm that rewards that content that you're creating something that's 249 00:17:03.320 --> 00:17:06.160 so niche. Like if you are just getting on Tick Tock, probably the 250 00:17:06.200 --> 00:17:08.920 best advice I could give you is to go super niche and be the poster 251 00:17:10.000 --> 00:17:14.880 boy for whatever it is they're advocating just because of the algorithm. So I 252 00:17:14.920 --> 00:17:18.119 actually forgot what the original question is, but there's there's some. It was 253 00:17:18.160 --> 00:17:22.680 about the algorithm. So that you are right on. That's exactly what we 254 00:17:22.680 --> 00:17:26.039 were talking about. Okay, so I have to make an apology to Dan 255 00:17:26.240 --> 00:17:30.039 Santez. He's out so he won't hear this. So but I think I've 256 00:17:30.160 --> 00:17:33.960 slightly I don't know that I would be as into it as he was, 257 00:17:34.119 --> 00:17:37.039 but he brought a case, example on a previous episode of Bet grows, 258 00:17:37.079 --> 00:17:42.440 where he was like really excited about potentially like podcasting on ticktock. You briefly 259 00:17:42.480 --> 00:17:45.200 mention it here, and this is why I was going to say I think 260 00:17:45.200 --> 00:17:51.039 I have slightly changed my mind in that there's a lot of videos that I've 261 00:17:51.079 --> 00:17:56.480 been engaging with that are really just podcast style and it's not necessarily two famous 262 00:17:56.480 --> 00:18:00.839 people talking to each other. But the the hook, which you is something 263 00:18:00.880 --> 00:18:03.880 you mentioned here, like if you something that was entertaining engaging within like the 264 00:18:03.920 --> 00:18:07.759 first three seconds, but in a podcast format you can tell they were just 265 00:18:07.799 --> 00:18:11.000 recording sitting in a room, and I engage with that content a lot. 266 00:18:11.000 --> 00:18:15.960 I've seen it in my feet a lot where I'm still asking questions. Is 267 00:18:17.039 --> 00:18:18.359 Not just like, will a work in podcasting? I think yes, it 268 00:18:18.400 --> 00:18:23.039 works in podcasting for be to be podcasters. There are several things that might 269 00:18:23.119 --> 00:18:27.599 not work. One would be can you have high enough video quality to make 270 00:18:27.640 --> 00:18:32.960 it look good on ticktock? The second would be are you really having a 271 00:18:33.000 --> 00:18:38.839 conversation where you're asking questions? That or there's enough moments in your show that 272 00:18:38.839 --> 00:18:42.039 are engaging enough for ticktock, which I would say so far they're, probably 273 00:18:42.119 --> 00:18:47.640 is not. But I'm sort of starting to change my mind and thinking someone's 274 00:18:47.680 --> 00:18:51.160 going to do this really well where they figure out a way to have a 275 00:18:51.200 --> 00:18:56.640 more entertaining style. Would be to be conversation, and then they can repurpose 276 00:18:56.720 --> 00:19:00.880 that and get it in the feed with other, maybe more sketch type content, 277 00:19:00.960 --> 00:19:04.319 other be to be type content and it will stop the scroll. Do 278 00:19:04.440 --> 00:19:08.480 you agree at all? Do you think that I'm totally off base for starting 279 00:19:08.480 --> 00:19:11.480 to change my mind, or what a what are your thoughts? No, 280 00:19:11.640 --> 00:19:15.559 I don't think you're off base at all, Benji. I think I've seen 281 00:19:15.559 --> 00:19:21.079 podcast do well on ticktock and they're usually like a sort of like a talk 282 00:19:21.119 --> 00:19:26.519 show format or they have, you know, somebody really famous on there, 283 00:19:26.559 --> 00:19:30.920 in like a celebrity, and so I think those do well. But the 284 00:19:30.920 --> 00:19:36.279 problem is the biggest problem I see, and this is just this is just 285 00:19:36.359 --> 00:19:40.240 lazy marketing. I see a lot of people who have podcasts in the Bab 286 00:19:40.359 --> 00:19:45.240 space who just repurpose their microvideos onto tick tock and that doesn't York. It 287 00:19:45.279 --> 00:19:48.880 just doesn't work because, I mean like, I feel like people know that 288 00:19:48.920 --> 00:19:52.519 it's been repurpose. First of all, it's never formatted right that way. 289 00:19:52.559 --> 00:19:56.680 It has to be formatted for Tick Tock. Second of all, Tick Tock 290 00:19:56.799 --> 00:20:00.680 doesn't they penalize, you know, content that's not native. So I think 291 00:20:00.759 --> 00:20:03.400 I'm a huge advocate of repurposing your tick tock videos elsewhere. You can't do 292 00:20:03.440 --> 00:20:07.359 it vice versa. You can't take your content and repurpose it on too tick 293 00:20:07.400 --> 00:20:10.599 tock. You have to make it exclusively for Tick Tock and that, I 294 00:20:10.599 --> 00:20:15.480 think, is the biggest reason why they don't perform well on the platform. 295 00:20:15.519 --> 00:20:19.079 But I also agree with you in that you have to have good video quality 296 00:20:19.119 --> 00:20:22.839 and that kind of goes hand in hand with that, and you have to 297 00:20:22.920 --> 00:20:29.160 be you have to have really punchy, really fast tips in your conversation. 298 00:20:30.000 --> 00:20:33.920 So I think that if people could could get those things right, and I 299 00:20:33.960 --> 00:20:36.640 don't think they'd be too hard to get right, then they would see more 300 00:20:36.640 --> 00:20:41.279 success with their podcast on Tick Tock. If I drop emily in a new 301 00:20:41.359 --> 00:20:45.519 situation, you are no longer at sweet fish and now, knowing what you 302 00:20:45.599 --> 00:20:49.720 know, eight months in, new company doesn't have a tick tock page ready, 303 00:20:49.799 --> 00:20:53.880 so you're brought in to establish it. What's the first thing you're doing? 304 00:20:53.960 --> 00:20:59.119 What are you like getting figured out before you post video? One like 305 00:20:59.279 --> 00:21:02.680 where's your and Goo? When you think about starting over again now, first 306 00:21:02.680 --> 00:21:03.880 thing to do is figure out what my goal is, like, why am 307 00:21:03.920 --> 00:21:07.480 I on Tick Tock? Why does this company want me on here? What 308 00:21:07.519 --> 00:21:10.680 are they trying to accomplish? And then, I think the second thing is 309 00:21:10.720 --> 00:21:15.920 really understanding your brand and your brand narrative and the niche that you're in, 310 00:21:15.279 --> 00:21:18.839 so that you can really understand your audience and who you're making this content for. 311 00:21:19.279 --> 00:21:22.039 And then, after those two things, I would just say just start 312 00:21:22.039 --> 00:21:26.240 experimenting, just start making videos and seeing what sticks and and what doesn't, 313 00:21:26.319 --> 00:21:30.759 and you know you'll grow from there because you know what resonates and you know 314 00:21:30.799 --> 00:21:33.799 what doesn't and you don't spend your time on that. So that's a very 315 00:21:33.839 --> 00:21:38.880 simplified version of a strategy. You were that mean. That's a great answer, 316 00:21:38.880 --> 00:21:41.599 but you should have said the first thing I would do is read from 317 00:21:41.680 --> 00:21:45.039 Gen Z to be to be this guide, and then I would do the 318 00:21:45.079 --> 00:21:49.359 rest from there. But that is where we want to end this conversation is 319 00:21:49.400 --> 00:21:53.400 just go check out the guide again. She has stats in here, reasons 320 00:21:53.440 --> 00:21:59.720 your brand should be on platform, how the algorithm work, strategies to win 321 00:21:59.960 --> 00:22:03.279 case studies and how to measure success. There's so much that we could have 322 00:22:03.319 --> 00:22:07.519 gone into, but I think this gives a pretty good taste of what you 323 00:22:07.559 --> 00:22:10.440 can expect, and now it's all in written form so that you don't have 324 00:22:10.519 --> 00:22:14.400 to just like, start from complete ground zero. You have pretty good idea 325 00:22:14.440 --> 00:22:18.240 and some people to follow as well. Emily, thank you for putting in 326 00:22:18.359 --> 00:22:21.839 so much hard work to this guide. I know it's going to be really 327 00:22:21.880 --> 00:22:26.000 beneficial for those that engage with it in are thinking about starting over on the 328 00:22:26.000 --> 00:22:29.440 platform and we appreciate the work you do here at Swee Fish. Thanks, 329 00:22:29.480 --> 00:22:34.440 Benjie. I Love, love working here. Awesome. Well to everybody listening. 330 00:22:34.480 --> 00:22:37.920 If you are finding this episode just because you're interested in tick tock and 331 00:22:37.960 --> 00:22:41.519 maybe you haven't listened to other be tob growth episodes, we'd appreciate if you 332 00:22:41.559 --> 00:22:45.880 followed the show. We're coming out with content that is helpful for your be 333 00:22:45.000 --> 00:22:49.160 to be marketing. We do that five days a week through interviews like this 334 00:22:49.200 --> 00:22:55.519 that are insightful and hopefully just help further your marketing skills. So, if 335 00:22:55.519 --> 00:22:59.079 you want to have a conversation with me or emily, were always active over 336 00:22:59.279 --> 00:23:03.240 on Linkedin and would love you reaching out to us and we will be back 337 00:23:03.279 --> 00:23:19.319 real soon with another episode. Be Tob growth is brought to you by the 338 00:23:19.319 --> 00:23:22.720 team at sweet fish media. Here at sweet fish, we produce podcasts for 339 00:23:22.759 --> 00:23:26.279 some of the most innovative brands in the world and we help them turn those 340 00:23:26.279 --> 00:23:30.880 podcasts into Microvideos, linkedin content, blog posts and more. We're on a 341 00:23:30.920 --> 00:23:36.440 mission to produce every leader's favorite show. Want more information, visit Sweet Fish Mediacom