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April 13, 2022

11 Ways to Focus and Get More Done with Benji Block

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B2B Growth

In this episode, Benji provides practical ways to stay zoned into your work. If you struggle to stay on task and get deep work done, today's show is for you. 

11 Ways to Focus and Get More Done: 

  1. 1. Live from your calendar
  2. 2. Hardest Task(s) First
  3. 3. Say "Oops, O well"
  4. 4. Lunchtime Walk
  5. 5. Rock Work (Live from Calendar)
  6. 6. Set your workspace 
  7. 7. Tuesdays Sweetfish company-wide Focus Hours
  8. 8. Stand after lunch
  9. 9. Monitor Water in-take
  10. 10. Set intentions for tomorrow
  11. 11. Ask for help
WEBVTT 1 00:00:08.160 --> 00:00:13.279 Conversations from the front lines of marketing. This is be to be growth. 2 00:00:16.760 --> 00:00:20.960 Welcome in to be to be growth. I'm your host, Benji Block, 3 00:00:21.000 --> 00:00:27.559 and today I'm going to give away eleven items that I think can help you 4 00:00:28.359 --> 00:00:33.399 stay focused and get more done. We're going to spend about the next ten 5 00:00:33.439 --> 00:00:37.640 minutes or so walking through just eleven really hyper practical things and things I've been 6 00:00:37.640 --> 00:00:41.479 trying that I've been seeing value in, and I'm going as marketing leaders, 7 00:00:41.520 --> 00:00:47.000 I know one of the most important things we can do is stay focused when 8 00:00:47.039 --> 00:00:52.479 we need to stay focused. But how many of you do your phone slack, 9 00:00:52.920 --> 00:01:00.399 Linkedin Instagram, a sauna, click up whatever task management apps you use? 10 00:01:00.840 --> 00:01:03.599 We're being pulled a million different directions, and so if we can learn 11 00:01:03.640 --> 00:01:10.040 to hyper focus, we make ourselves more valuable, and beyond that, just 12 00:01:10.079 --> 00:01:12.519 in the business space, but don't we all want to live a life where 13 00:01:12.599 --> 00:01:19.079 we're able to be here and we're able to be in the now right and 14 00:01:19.159 --> 00:01:23.319 so here's eleven things that you can do to stay focused and get more done. 15 00:01:25.000 --> 00:01:27.439 The first is that I've been living from my calendar. So if there's 16 00:01:27.519 --> 00:01:33.640 something in a sauna that I have a task to do, I have to 17 00:01:34.439 --> 00:01:38.760 put some block of time in my calendar where that task is going to get 18 00:01:38.799 --> 00:01:44.040 done, or it doesn't happen, even if it's in a miscellaneous block of 19 00:01:44.040 --> 00:01:49.640 time where it just says task work. Something that allows me to attach my 20 00:01:49.719 --> 00:01:55.079 tasks to my calendar gives me tremendous peace of mind. And so, in 21 00:01:55.200 --> 00:01:59.640 order to stay focused, I open my calendar on my computer and I look 22 00:01:59.799 --> 00:02:04.239 at my time blocking like go, okay, based on that, this is 23 00:02:04.280 --> 00:02:06.840 what I should be doing right now. I feel good about doing this right 24 00:02:06.840 --> 00:02:10.080 now because I know these other things will get done in another time block and 25 00:02:10.120 --> 00:02:15.919 I can block that stuff out for now. The second one is this hardest 26 00:02:15.960 --> 00:02:21.599 tasks first, and I even heard someone this week going hardest task first right, 27 00:02:21.680 --> 00:02:24.360 like literally one thing. But you could batch this and you can say, 28 00:02:24.360 --> 00:02:28.039 are there two or three things today that I need to get done? 29 00:02:28.080 --> 00:02:31.240 I believe Michael Hiatt he is a big proponent of this, like the big 30 00:02:31.280 --> 00:02:35.800 three, the three things that you're going to do today that would continue your 31 00:02:35.840 --> 00:02:38.080 momentum, would push the ball down the fields, that sort of thing. 32 00:02:38.159 --> 00:02:42.919 What are the hardest task I'm going to do while I have the most mental 33 00:02:42.960 --> 00:02:46.560 stamina, most mental strength, I'm just going to batch that right in the 34 00:02:46.560 --> 00:02:49.719 morning, right when I get to work. That's what we're going to tackle. 35 00:02:49.800 --> 00:02:52.080 Is going to give me momentum for the rest of the day. And 36 00:02:52.159 --> 00:02:54.439 if you're like me and as the day goes on you feel that loss of 37 00:02:54.520 --> 00:03:00.400 energy, especially after lunch, like don't wait till then right to tackle those 38 00:03:00.439 --> 00:03:04.319 hardest tasks. You want to stay focused, then focus on the hardest thing 39 00:03:04.319 --> 00:03:07.960 first, when you have the most focused to give. The third one is 40 00:03:08.000 --> 00:03:13.919 just a phrase that you can say, and I've been testing this out because 41 00:03:14.199 --> 00:03:19.080 I found that there will be times when I am head down in focused work, 42 00:03:19.319 --> 00:03:23.439 I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and then a notification pops 43 00:03:23.520 --> 00:03:28.759 up on my phone and before too long, before I even realize what I'm 44 00:03:28.759 --> 00:03:34.520 doing, I am so distracted. I am down some rabbit hole that I 45 00:03:34.520 --> 00:03:38.400 should have never gone down simply because a notification popped up. And then there's 46 00:03:38.439 --> 00:03:42.840 that moment of realization. How did I get here? How did I go 47 00:03:42.919 --> 00:03:49.000 from focused work to completely derailed and distracted? And we have a tendency internally. 48 00:03:49.759 --> 00:03:53.759 I'll only speak for me here. I have a tendency to go man, 49 00:03:53.759 --> 00:04:00.840 why do I always do this. I'm so distracted and this mental fog 50 00:04:00.960 --> 00:04:04.919 sets in where now I'm I'm thinking about what I've been doing wrong instead of 51 00:04:04.960 --> 00:04:10.479 just getting back to the focused work that I was doing before the distraction. 52 00:04:10.599 --> 00:04:14.560 And so here's the phrase. It's just oops, oh well, oops, 53 00:04:14.560 --> 00:04:17.360 oh well, and I say that out loud to myself, as weird as 54 00:04:17.399 --> 00:04:20.560 that sounds, and I know if you think about it, interacting with someone 55 00:04:20.639 --> 00:04:24.680 or encountering someone saying that, I'd probably be funny. It's like self talk, 56 00:04:24.879 --> 00:04:27.920 but I'm in my house alone. Maybe my dog thinks I'm weird, 57 00:04:27.959 --> 00:04:30.759 but I work from my Home Office right, and so if I get distracted 58 00:04:30.800 --> 00:04:35.160 by the notification, by whatever the Shiny object is at the moment, I 59 00:04:35.160 --> 00:04:40.600 just say oops, oh well and I go back to the task at hand. 60 00:04:40.680 --> 00:04:43.879 It's just this way of relieving me of the guilt that I feel or 61 00:04:43.920 --> 00:04:49.319 the pressure that I feel to always be focused. So first three, recapping 62 00:04:49.319 --> 00:04:54.079 real quick lift from your calendar. Hardest tasks. First say oops, oh 63 00:04:54.120 --> 00:04:58.079 well. Here's the fourth one. A lunchtime walk, as simple as ten 64 00:04:58.120 --> 00:05:02.000 minutes. But if I eat and then I immediately go for a walk afterwards, 65 00:05:02.120 --> 00:05:06.720 it helps my energy level for part of the afternoon. Now, I 66 00:05:06.720 --> 00:05:12.120 got to say that is the hardest time of the day for me to work. 67 00:05:12.160 --> 00:05:15.199 So sometimes I'll put meetings in the afternoon. I try to find creative 68 00:05:15.240 --> 00:05:20.560 ways to keep myself doing things that matter in the afternoon. And it starts 69 00:05:20.600 --> 00:05:27.639 with a lunchtime walk, some time to clear my head. If it's rainy 70 00:05:27.800 --> 00:05:30.319 or the weather's not great on might just go sit on the patio, but 71 00:05:30.399 --> 00:05:34.240 just get some vitamin ded do something slightly different, to walk around, move 72 00:05:34.240 --> 00:05:39.360 around a bit, and that will help me come back in to that focused 73 00:05:39.360 --> 00:05:43.839 work when I'm back from that. Here's the fifth one. Is I schedule, 74 00:05:43.920 --> 00:05:46.279 like I mentioned up top, living for my calendar, but I schedule 75 00:05:46.360 --> 00:05:50.480 now working on my rocks. What are my rocks? If you are familiar 76 00:05:50.560 --> 00:05:56.040 with the EOS system, rocks are something that here at sweet fish we set 77 00:05:56.160 --> 00:06:00.480 quarterly and they tie back to Our our vision and our long term goals. 78 00:06:00.519 --> 00:06:04.519 And then those are, you know, from the executive team down, we're 79 00:06:04.639 --> 00:06:10.519 all doing things that kind of coincide back with that that vision. So for 80 00:06:10.639 --> 00:06:15.319 me I have these times where it's not a specific task per se, but 81 00:06:15.360 --> 00:06:18.360 instead it's more broadly, hey, we have these key goals. You need 82 00:06:18.439 --> 00:06:24.120 to be pushing this quarter. Here's a block of time for you to do 83 00:06:24.160 --> 00:06:28.879 that. For you too, maybe it's just have think time around what are 84 00:06:28.920 --> 00:06:32.800 the processes, procedures, structures that we need in place to execute on this. 85 00:06:33.199 --> 00:06:38.600 Maybe sometimes it's actually building things out or trying things, testing things, 86 00:06:38.680 --> 00:06:43.319 but I schedule rock work, is what I call it, and that way 87 00:06:43.319 --> 00:06:46.879 I know every week I'm pushing the most important goals down the field. Six, 88 00:06:47.839 --> 00:06:51.360 set your workspace. Now, the best example I can give you of 89 00:06:51.399 --> 00:06:55.279 this is not my physical workspace, it's my computer, right. So I 90 00:06:55.319 --> 00:07:00.839 have my my macbook pro, I have my second monitor, and what I 91 00:07:00.879 --> 00:07:04.600 mean by this is when there's a specific task at hand, I know what 92 00:07:04.759 --> 00:07:11.040 needs to be on my laptop monitor, what's on my second monitor. I 93 00:07:11.079 --> 00:07:15.600 know what tabs I need open on chrome. Specifically. Let's talk about batching 94 00:07:15.639 --> 00:07:19.360 my podcast content. I'm coming out with daily episodes, right so if I'm 95 00:07:19.399 --> 00:07:24.319 scheduling that out or I'm doing work on show notes or things like that, 96 00:07:24.519 --> 00:07:29.920 I have a certain sequence of tabs that I will open every single time I 97 00:07:30.160 --> 00:07:32.800 do that task or I'm batching that task, and I can just run through 98 00:07:32.839 --> 00:07:36.800 it. So I set my screens up for success. So nothing else is 99 00:07:36.839 --> 00:07:41.800 open to distract me and I know the exact flow of what websites I have 100 00:07:41.839 --> 00:07:45.680 to visit, of what Apps I have to have open, and that keeps 101 00:07:45.720 --> 00:07:49.800 me on task from the beginning of doing whatever that activity is that I need 102 00:07:49.839 --> 00:07:55.959 to do. Number seven, we have what we call focus hours here, 103 00:07:56.000 --> 00:08:01.160 as we fish every Tuesday from zero to lunch time, and whatever time zone 104 00:08:01.160 --> 00:08:05.519 you're in, this is helpful in that people aren't all over slack that morning, 105 00:08:05.519 --> 00:08:09.560 we're not having bunch of meetings during this time. I know that there 106 00:08:09.639 --> 00:08:16.399 is this for our block weekly that I can rely on where people aren't going 107 00:08:16.439 --> 00:08:20.040 to need me for a bunch of things and I can just do focused work. 108 00:08:20.160 --> 00:08:24.600 Maybe you can negotiate that in the organization you're in, or maybe you 109 00:08:24.639 --> 00:08:28.399 can just choose a time block that will work for you. But something like 110 00:08:28.480 --> 00:08:31.480 that, where you're saying I have this amount of time where people know they 111 00:08:31.519 --> 00:08:37.919 can't really just set up meetings or reach out, but I'm doing things that 112 00:08:37.159 --> 00:08:43.720 need to be done. That will help strengthen your focus and will help you 113 00:08:43.759 --> 00:08:48.480 with continued momentum. Okay, some more practical ones here, as we're starting 114 00:08:48.519 --> 00:08:52.039 to get towards the end of our list. Stand after lunch. I mentioned 115 00:08:52.720 --> 00:08:58.360 the warring hours for Benji are after lunch. I want to take an APP 116 00:09:00.120 --> 00:09:03.080 my body wants to be done, and so what do I do? I 117 00:09:03.120 --> 00:09:07.480 stand and I do my work standing. I'll do pre interviews or meetings in 118 00:09:07.480 --> 00:09:11.080 the afternoon, because that's another way to get me interacting with people and get 119 00:09:11.120 --> 00:09:15.559 me not be able to sit and just be in my own little world in 120 00:09:15.600 --> 00:09:20.720 the afternoons. So I stand after lunch and I put meetings after lunch and 121 00:09:20.759 --> 00:09:24.039 in that way again it helps me stay focused on the task in hand. 122 00:09:24.120 --> 00:09:28.120 Number Nine, monitor your water and take try to drink water as soon as 123 00:09:28.120 --> 00:09:31.879 you wake up. Water throughout the day. Count how many water bottles you 124 00:09:31.960 --> 00:09:35.159 drink. Get a water bottle that you like and you can carry with you, 125 00:09:35.200 --> 00:09:41.039 that fits in your backpack, that's easy to carry, and water will 126 00:09:41.080 --> 00:09:46.600 give you energy and once you're making bathroom make pit stops a little more often 127 00:09:46.679 --> 00:09:48.240 at first if you haven't been drinking a lot of water, but once you 128 00:09:48.279 --> 00:09:56.679 get into that regular water and take it will help with lifting mental fog and 129 00:09:56.720 --> 00:10:03.039 you'll notice the ability to lock in a lot easier. Number Ten, set 130 00:10:03.080 --> 00:10:07.080 intentions for tomorrow. As you wrap up, whatever time you wrap up your 131 00:10:07.120 --> 00:10:11.399 work today, just spend the last five minutes, last ten minutes, and 132 00:10:13.320 --> 00:10:16.240 lock in. Look at your calendar, look at your tasks. Is Tomorrow 133 00:10:16.279 --> 00:10:20.240 set up to be a win? Do you know the meetings that you have? 134 00:10:20.759 --> 00:10:24.679 Are you ready for people that are going to need ideas from you and 135 00:10:24.759 --> 00:10:28.080 projects from you? Is Tomorrow set up to be a win? Is there 136 00:10:28.120 --> 00:10:31.480 a couple things you could do in the final ten minutes of work today to 137 00:10:31.519 --> 00:10:35.879 make tomorrow easier on you? Is there a couple tasks you could add to 138 00:10:35.879 --> 00:10:37.639 your task so so you don't forget them or you're not thinking about him tonight, 139 00:10:37.639 --> 00:10:41.440 because now they are living somewhere, they're on your calendar somewhere and you 140 00:10:41.519 --> 00:10:45.799 know that you'll be able to get it done. Set Your intentions for tomorrow. 141 00:10:45.840 --> 00:10:50.200 Final one is ask for help now. The only way for us to 142 00:10:50.240 --> 00:10:54.440 continue to stay focused and continue to improve is for as things get added, 143 00:10:54.519 --> 00:11:00.120 other things get taken off. What's on your plate right now that someone else 144 00:11:00.159 --> 00:11:03.279 could do better than you? Have you talked to them about it? Have 145 00:11:03.360 --> 00:11:07.679 you spotlighted that? Have you gone and asked for help? Have you renegotiated 146 00:11:07.720 --> 00:11:11.440 what's in your portfolio so that you're leaning into your strengths and able to focus 147 00:11:11.480 --> 00:11:16.519 on what you feel like is your best assets to the organization and your sweet 148 00:11:16.519 --> 00:11:22.279 spot personally for what you want to continue to build with your one and only 149 00:11:22.320 --> 00:11:26.200 life. Handoff what you can hand off, ask for help, where you 150 00:11:26.240 --> 00:11:30.759 can ask for help, set up meetings and have the conversations that need to 151 00:11:30.799 --> 00:11:33.960 happen so that you can do that. All right, what do we talk 152 00:11:35.039 --> 00:11:39.759 about today? On be tob growth, I believe as marketing leaders, one 153 00:11:39.799 --> 00:11:43.440 of the most crucial things that we can do and one of most crucial things 154 00:11:43.519 --> 00:11:48.080 we can execute on is just being focused in our work. When we need 155 00:11:48.200 --> 00:11:52.360 to be here, we're here, fully present, getting what needs to be 156 00:11:52.399 --> 00:11:56.559 done done, and with that in mind, I gave us eleven things to 157 00:11:56.600 --> 00:12:01.720 help us stay focused and get more done, and I'll read all eleven back 158 00:12:01.759 --> 00:12:05.559 to you now, and you can find all eleven listed in our show notes 159 00:12:05.840 --> 00:12:11.399 for a brief overview as well. Live from your calendar. Do your hardest 160 00:12:11.440 --> 00:12:16.559 task first. Say oops, oh well, when you get distracted, go 161 00:12:16.679 --> 00:12:22.919 for a ten to fifteen minute lunchtime walk. Schedule work around your goals so 162 00:12:22.960 --> 00:12:28.799 that you know you're getting the most important things done this quarter. Make sure 163 00:12:28.799 --> 00:12:33.200 it's on your calendar weekly so you're pushing that forward throughout the quarter. Set 164 00:12:33.240 --> 00:12:39.120 your work space so that you can quickly get tasks done and you only have 165 00:12:39.240 --> 00:12:45.840 what's necessary open at a given time. Think about or consider having some focus 166 00:12:45.879 --> 00:12:50.039 to hours where people can't reach you, where meetings don't happen, so that 167 00:12:50.080 --> 00:12:54.600 you have some of that white space on your calendar stand after lunch. That's 168 00:12:54.639 --> 00:13:00.679 a simple one, but just switch up your posture and where you're at in 169 00:13:00.840 --> 00:13:05.240 your office or in your home so that you can gain some energy back and 170 00:13:05.279 --> 00:13:11.720 lock in. Monitor your water intake, set intentions for tomorrow and those last 171 00:13:11.000 --> 00:13:16.039 ten minutes as you wrap up today and hand off things that you can hand 172 00:13:16.039 --> 00:13:20.879 off or ask for help where other people could have input or insight. That 173 00:13:20.879 --> 00:13:26.200 would bring clarity and would help you continue to improve. I hope this episode 174 00:13:26.240 --> 00:13:30.679 was helpful. If it was, I'd love to hear from you over on 175 00:13:30.720 --> 00:13:35.080 Linkedin, always wanting to connect with people about business, about marketing, about 176 00:13:35.080 --> 00:13:39.320 life, maybe of something you would add to this list that you found extremely 177 00:13:39.360 --> 00:13:46.480 helpful as you're looking to focus in and get real deep work done. I'd 178 00:13:46.480 --> 00:13:50.159 love to hear about it reach out at any time. If you're yet to 179 00:13:50.200 --> 00:13:54.799 subscribe to the podcast, do so on whatever your favorite podcast platform is. 180 00:13:54.039 --> 00:13:58.799 We'd appreciate that. If you're willing to take the extra minutes to rate and 181 00:13:58.840 --> 00:14:01.399 review the show, tell us something that's been helpful that B tob growth is 182 00:14:01.440 --> 00:14:05.840 given you. Maybe it's an insight or a learning or a specific interview that 183 00:14:05.879 --> 00:14:09.960 you enjoyed. Always appreciate the ratings and the reviews. Will be back real 184 00:14:11.039 --> 00:14:13.399 soon with another episode. Thanks for listening. To be to be growth, 185 00:14:13.639 --> 00:14:30.399 keep doing work that matters. If you enjoyed a day show, hit subscribe 186 00:14:30.440 --> 00:14:33.840 for more marketing goodness, and if you really enjoyed the day show, take 187 00:14:33.879 --> 00:14:37.759 a second to rate and review the podcast on the platform you're listening to it 188 00:14:37.799 --> 00:14:41.080 on right now. If you really really enjoyed this episode, share the love 189 00:14:41.120 --> 00:14:45.559 by texting you to a friend who would find it insightful. Thanks for listening 190 00:14:45.600 --> 00:14:46.879 and thanks for sharing.